Almost any salesperson can improve their results by doing more prospecting. When an salesperson is brand new in the business, oftentimes prospecting takes up a large part of their time because they really have no active transactions they’re working on. But sometime thereafter salespersons can get out of the habit of prospecting regularly once they feel busy and working on activity. The problem here is that feeling busy doesn’t necessarily translate into making more money, oftentimes leaving salespersons feeling frustrated at why their results aren’t improving.
Sometimes when asked how much their income would increase over the next 12 months if they made sure to prospect 10-12 hours during every week that they’re working, the majority of people feel that their income would at least double, some say triple, and nearly everyone feels that their income would increase by at least 25%.
Sometimes salespersons have lulled themselves into believing they’re prospecting more hours than they really are in their business. Once these clients recognize that the number of hours per week they’re actually prospecting is abysmal, they recognize...