The anime, Naruto, is based on Masashi Kishimotos manga of the same title. The anime is produced by Studio Pierrot and aniplex and is aired in Japans terrestrial TV Tokyo Network and several other networks worldwide. Narutos animation is fluid and each Naruto episode is filled with gripping fight scenes and beautifully portrayed characters. It currently has over 200 episodes and still counting.
The story is about a young boy name Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto, blond-haired and blue-eyed, is a spirited, hyperactive, and overly loud ninja. He is first introduced as a troublemaker, playing various pranks and being at the bottom of his class in the ninja academy. But Naruto is not your average neighborhood brat far from it. Naruto, despite his obvious lack in the skills, manners, and intelligence department, has lots of self-confidence and even more determination. He, though loud and uncouth, has a golden heart and a power to inspire others. He aspires to be the Hokage the leaf villages top ninja. He is revealed to be an orphan and to have a demon beast, the nine-tailed fox, sealed inside him, causing the villagers to shun him and even hate him. All he wants is...