To be motivational, reward and recognition must be appropriate in the eye of the receiver. Tickets for the big game are fine if you enjoy sport. If you don’t enjoy sport but you would like the value of the tickets to spend on something else instead, your reward just turned into another task; selling the tickets. Although they may be easy to sell on to someone else, the motivational edge has been diminished slightly.
The following is a bit like the health warning on a pack of cigarettes. This short compilation of religious issues highlights what could arise if you target an inappropriate reward on a person with certain strong beliefs. That’s not to say this will be the case for everyone in that sub-group of humanity but nevertheless a little care and attention to detail can go a long way.
Most religions are becoming more flexible and tolerant in their outlook on what their followers may or may not do in their day-to-day lives; however there are still a few taboos that it would be worth reminding yourself about.
The favorite taboos always cited for those of the Jewish persuasion are food derived from the humble pig and any reference...