If you’ve ever used one of the old dot matrix printers with rows of holes to feed the ream of paper and dealt with the constant paper jams, then you have an idea of just how far technology has come in the printing industry. Long gone are the days of slightly fuzzy text and faded grey images. Todays printing process has gone digital, and the benefit clearly shows. From the strikingly clear images to the brilliance of the colors, digital printing displays everything on your companys marketing material, stationery, business cards and more with as much detail as a photograph. And the best part? Digital printing has revolutionized the printing industry to make it possible for any company, whether it has 10 employees or 10,000, to show the same level of quality as much larger corporations with every piece of printed media, and it can be accomplished both quickly and inexpensively!
Still not clear on the difference between digital printing and making color copies at the local 24-hour shop? The main difference is quality, which is best explained by how digital printing actually works. Digital printing is actually a bit of a misnomer, as the process doesnt apply as...