Have you seen any miracles in your life?
Or maybe I should ask a better question
Do you believe in miracles?
Give me the answer to either one of the questions, I can tell you your answer for the other.
Dr Wayne Dyer has a wonderful book You will see it when you believe it. It is a life changing reading. If you havent read it yet, you should get a copy.
I have seen lots of miracles in my own life, and I see miracles almost every day.
Wouldnt that be a miracle if you are thinking of improving your health, an experienced Chinese Qi Qong master come into your life and become a very good friend and teacher?
Wouldnt that be a miracle if you are thinking of improving your spiritual life, you suddenly find a book by a spiritual master in the early 20th century.
Wouldnt that be a miracle if you want to improve your financial life, an retired multi-millionaire living on the other end of the world come to contact you and is willing to teach you his success secrets?
Wouldnt that be a miracle when you want to do a joint venture, someone from nowhere come to contact you and turn out to make one of the best joint...