Most latest and significantly useful way of trade prevailing in market is Global B2b Marketplace. It is a trade portal through which buyers and suppliers of various goods and services come together in a virtual trade show. These trade shows are conducted as either regular trade shows or online trade shows.
The companies today jointly are coming with this concept of fusing at a common place for the convenience of each other. The primary focus is to facilitate trade at various levels i.e.
-> Manufacturing level
-> Import level
-> Export level
-> Wholesale level
It is a two way process in which the buyers will find the worlds most reputable suppliers and vice versa at one common ground.
Buyers Consideration: Every buyer is in search of supplier who has the capability and the facility to meet his procurement needs. To fulfill these criteria each one is struggling globally. But with the coming of this new concept of trading, it is a blessing to find varied range of suppliers under one roof. The suppliers who match ones consideration can be contacted directly.
In case of online trade shows an email can be triggered when new goods...