Becomeing a thought criminal means thinking your own thoughts and going after what you and deciding to get it no matter what.
Patience for the operator comes from having a clear outcomes. Outcomes are defined as goals that are under the control of the operator. Anything that is not under the control of the operator falls into the category of wishes and hopes and the operator is advised to ignore them.
With an understanding of outcomes, the rest is a matter of time hence the need for patience. The operator has an understanding that while the end outcome has value the next most recent outcome is the most important outcome.
This mindset prevents the hurried rush of urgency that is often accompanies unrestrained youth.
The Mystery of Silence
Silence, as you’ll learn, creates a unique sense of mystery. The operator does well to apply the following rules when
considering his outcomes:
Conceal your intentions.
Being open with your intentions invites people who will obstruct, steal and hijack what you’ve intended.
Demonstrate through actions never through argument.
Telling people what you do will...