Q: Is the online world the best place to sell a product or service these days? My friends seem to think that brick and mortar stores will totally disappear in the future. I debate this all the time with them, but it seems to be heading that way. Your thoughts?
– Alex H.
At last report, Alex, Sam Walton was still resting comfortably in his discounted grave, so Id say brick and mortar is safe, at least for the next few years.
During the dot-com boom the mantra was Brick and mortar is dead! Then when most of the dot-coms crashed like an elephant sitting on a wicker chair, the mantra suddenly changed back to The Internet is dead! Long live brick and mortar!
In both instances those doing the shouting were dead wrong (and highly annoying). The correct mantra should be Long live ecommerce enabled brick and mortar! Its not as catchy, but a lot more accurate.
So to formally answer your question, Alex: I have to agree with you: brick and mortar is safe for many years to come. Thats not to say that online selling will not continue to grow and overshadow in store sales in the coming years. But smart retailers realize the potential – and...