When you click on an icon to start a Web browser or an office application, does it start as fast as it used to when you just bought your new PC?
It is an almost inevitable natural process that, with time, your computer does not run as fast as it used to. More and more unneeded information slows down your PC’s performance. Traces are left when you install and remove software. While you can usually remove most files that are left over when a product is just removed, what about the invisible traces that are left in your computer’s registry?
Every Windows application uses the registry to store its configuration data. Many products do not remove the data completely, which results in residual information abandoned in the Windows registry. One or two or even three programs won’t harm your registry enough to significantly slow down your computer. If, however, you use your computer for months and years, the registry becomes bloated with these residuals. This, in turn, causes major slowdowns in your PC’s operation.
What would you do to stop that from happening? Limiting the number of programs you download and install is one option, but also an...