Some of the most common questions that we receive about punches are about the punching capacities of the different binding machines that we offer. Punching capacity can be a very useful tool to compare the various punches, but it can also be very misleading. When evaluating punching capacity, it is important to take into consideration a few key points:
– When evaluating a manual binding machine that has a high stated capacity, such as 20 or more pages per punch, it is also important to consider the manual effort that it takes to pull the lever to punch the stack of paper. The punch may be capable, but that does not mean that it will be easy to punch that many pages! A longer handle makes it much easier to punch through greater amounts of paper, but it is still a manual process.
– What style of punching are you doing? 3-hole punching has the highest capacity while 5:1 coil is the lowest. This is due to the large number of holes and how close together they are. All machines will vary based on the style of punching that you need. Coil binding systems and wire binding systems will always punch less than plastic comb and Velobind.
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