Gps Mapping A Whole New Way Of Looking At Things
The Internet has opened up a whole new world for us bringing places we may never normally see into full view right on our computer screen. Now, like never before, any computer user regardless of where they are has instant access to a location that may even be thousands of miles away. Web cams can broadcast live images in a matter of seconds and the Global Positioning System or GPS – can pinpoint an address down to the street and house through GPS mapping.
GPS is a system of 24 satellites that continually circle the earth. The system as we know it today originally began in the 1960s as the United States Navy implemented a system to help submarines pinpoint their location. The United States Department of Defense taking this initial work a step forward designed and implemented GPS. The first satellite was launched in 1978. The 24 satellites of today were not all in operation until well into the 1990s. Today, we can pinpoint any location based upon the signal of the satellite closest to the location.
GPS mapping was a natural byproduct of such advancements, allowing us to harness the information...