As a business or hotel owner, you can greatly benefit your business with a PABX phone system to suit your ISDN or PSTN Phone lines. Specialty hotel and hospitality phone systems are customized to fit the needs of any hotel, motel or resort establishment. They are available in many different configurations, allowing you to fulfill all hotel phone needs.
The amazing systems not only allow your hotel basic phone use, but they are also sophisticated front-house management systems that allow for high quality guest service. They can also be wisely utilized in hospitals, nursing homes and residence halls.
For the hotel, there is specialized software that can help hotel staff perform a variety of duties. The front-of-the-house management system within the PABX phone system can do many things, including:
* Automatic consolidation of guest accounts
* Multiple room tariffs
* Automatic credit control
* On-line room status
* Customized bills and invoicing
* Access to marketing information from your customer base
The system allows for the ultimate system of business efficiency. The phone system can even be used to do things...