Clerks II is a film that was directed by the comedic mastermind Kevin Smith. Responsible for creating a host of irresponsible adolescent comedies over the past decade, Smith has shown his remarkable sense of humor to the world time and time again with his realistic yet kooky characters. Clerks II is no exception to the rule.
Picking up where the original Clerks film left off, the film focuses on Randall and Dante, the employees of the Quik Stop convenience store and main characters in the first film. Little has changed in their lives, save the fact that they are a decade older; and now, they’ve found themselves working the same sort of irresponsible job, this time at a fast food restaurant known as “Mooby’s”. The film pays homage to Smith’s legacy of recurring characters throughout the film; fans of his work will notice the guest appearances of several Smith mainstays. The film also adds a few elements on the last one: where Clerks I was shot completely in black and white, giving it a hip art-house feel, Clerks II is completely in color. And fans of Jay and Silent Bob, the notorious wisecracking drug dealers of the films, will be excited to...