Wanting to use the Internet more than other people is not a sign of selfishness. It just shows how much you value the Internet, and also that you are more technologically inclined compared to other people. You love the Internet for all its wonders. The way you can surf to death, the way you can chat with other people from all over the globe, the way you can download your favorite media, and the list goes on and on. Is there anything about the Internet that you hate?
Yes, there is! You have forgotten about the fact that the Internet is filled with spammers. Spammers are those companies or individuals who have nothing left to do in the cyberworld but to make other people’s lives miserable. They send junk mail to other people. And, in case you do not know yet, junk mail is a longer version for the term “spam”.
Spam can sometimes get to your nerves. If only spam was a person, you would probably want, if not actually do, to strangle spam. But no, spam is not human, nor can it be touched. You have to fight spam by other means.
You can fight spam by using the SCBL, which is a shorter version, more like an acronym, of SpamCop Blocking List. By its...