Oil paintings have always brought elegance and ambience to home dcor. Many people buy original oil paintings as part of their hobby. But then those who cant afford original art can certainly find a great alternative. Yes, an inexpensive alternative!
Acquiring original expensive paintings doesnt fit everyones budget. So whats the alternative if you would still want to own a handmade masterpiece in your office or home? The solution is an oil painting reproduction piece that can be purchased at a fraction of the original price. These oil paintings are near to exact replicas of the original ones. Now, you have to remember that these replicas might fall short on your expectations but then they are much more fabulous then those lifeless prints.
So how do they do it? Oil painting reproduction techniques are very complicated and many consider it an art form by itself. The process of reproducing great art must be handled only by experienced and expert artists who can jot down entire paintings of your choice in a superior quality oil painting form on a bare museum grade canvas. Paintings on canvas are stretched to fit across wooden frames. A gesso ground layer is applied...