I have been in telecom for 12 years and for 12 years I have spoken to my mom at least once a week if not more. She always asks me how is work? Are you still doing that little telephone thing? About six months ago she called me up because she had heard something that may be of interest to me on her talk radio program earlier that morning. She did not want to forget to ask me about it so she wrote it down, (my mom will not call before 5 because she still believes the calling rates go down in half after 5), but she cant seem to find the paper she just had in her hands- she asked if I could hold a minute. After I hear the rotary phone hit the counter and a bunch papers rustling- she gets back on the phone with her revelation. She is going to spell it for me and she wants to know if I am ready to write it down.
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again.expecting a different result. So here I am insane and armed with a pen she starts to spell it for me V-O-I-P. VoIP.. My mom wants to know if I have ever heard of it. I respond with a yes mom that is what I do. She responds with an OK I just wanted to make sure you knew about this new way of...