Your Personal Computer Is Your Friend And Companion In The Modern World
As forecast by many in the 1980s computers are finally taking over the world. You will find them in every office and nearly every home. People use them to manage their lives. You can manage your money online, pay bills and shop over the Internet. You can also keep in touch with friends and family all over the world. If you do not learn how to use a computer, you are going to be left behind.
You will find computers in gas stations, hospitals, stores both large and small, beauty shops, restaurants and more. There are many self-service computers around, synchronized with their headquarter databases. It is impossible to escape computers nowadays.
Banking, for example, is self-serviced through ATM machines. Gas stations are self-serviced by their use of menu-clad touch screens. A lot of cash registers run on a Windows system and send purchase details via the internet back to headquarters. If you have your blood pressure or heart rate measured, that is also a digital process. You can even order fast food by dialing and making your selection from pre-programmed menus by pressing the buttons...