How to Save Money When Buying Toner Cartridges For Laser Printers
Anyone who has ever been responsible for purchasing office supplies knows that toner cartridges for laser printers can be very expensive. Of course, most laser printers will provide superior quality printing at a reduced per page cost vs. ink jet printers, but that is little consolation when having to purchase multiple toner cartridges.
One way to save substantially on toner cartridges and other laser printer accessories is to purchase these items from an online retailer. Online retailers usually offer a great selection at prices that are better than local retailers. One reason for the disparity in pricing is that online retailers have little in the way of overhead. While local retailers must price according to their geographic location and are often responsible for the lease on a commercial property, online retailers rarely deal with these concerns. This allows them to reduce the cost of their products while maintaining the same profit margins. Online retailers are seldom hit with the same stock shortages that local retailers often encounter, and the price of shipping or delivery is often included...