* What are Compound Microscopes?
A Compound Microscope is a microscope that consists essentially of two or more double convex lenses fixed in the two extremities of a hollow cylinder.
The upper lens is the eyepiece and the lower lines in the objective. The cylinder is mounted upright on a screw device that permits it to be raised or lowered until the object is in focus and until a clear image is formed.
When an object is in focus, a real inverted image is formed by the lower lens at a point inside the principal focus of the upper lens. This image serves as an object for the upper lens that produces another image larger still and visible to the eye of the observer.
* What are Stereo Microscopes?
A Stereo Microscope is a lower powered microscope instrument that features a large stage for closer viewing of the non-microscopic world. This microscope makes tiny objects gigantic. It is known as a dissecting microscope.
With stereo microscopes, tiny things became large, in laymans terms, the flaws in gemstones and coins become obvious. There are inexpensive models that are available for children and students. The stereo microscopes provides...