The following is by no means all of the terms that you may come across when dealing with your printer. What we wanted to do here is provide you with many of the most common terms so you can understand the catalog printing process better. Many of these terms are ones that you will not have to deal with at all as most catalog printers offer full service.
Bleeds: This is where your design calls for the ink to go all the way to an edge of the page. To determine the number of bleeds you have to count all of the edges the ink goes to. In other words, your page has a top, a bottom, a right, and a left edge. Each edge your ink will go to is one bleed.
Bluelines: This is a proof of your catalog on film that is used to verify that everything is correct.
Camera Ready Art: This are not your photographs. Those will be photographed as half tones. (See glossary term, Half Tones) This is about your artwork. It has to be provided to the printer on a board or paper ready to be photographed. If there is more than one color, each color has to be on a different sheet of paper or board piece. You should also include the composite where all of the colors are on one paper or board...