Computer viruses generally trick hosts or other types of computers into reproducing copies of the invading organism. They spread from computer to computer through electronic bulletin boards, telecommunication systems and shared floppy disks. Viruses are created by human programmers, for fun or malice, but once they begin to spread they take on a life of their own, creating disruption, dismay and paranoia in their wake.
If the virus is found in any of the PC’s that PC should immediately be isolated. The virus can be removed by giving an antidote by studying the virus. The machine should be put into use only after the virus is eliminated.
Viruses and such
A Virus is defined as a program inserted into another program. It gets activated by its host program. It replicates itself and spreads to others through floppy transfer. A virus infects data or program every time the user runs the infected program and the virus takes advantages and replicates itself.
There are two types of computer viruses ‘parasitic’ and ‘boot’ virus.
A Parasitic virus attaches itself to other programs and is activated when the host program is...