Internet. It entered our lives not so long ago, but made a revolutionary change in the lives of all the mankind. Internet brought a new quality of communication, information, services, etc into the world.
It helps to sell and buy, communicate and find soul mates; it provides you with essay help and entertains when you feel sad. Its missions are countless. It is our reliable companion in life. As students we order custom essays on the net, as grown ups we use it every hour in our work, older people use internet instead of books, guidebooks, maps, etc. We cant ignore the influence of the internet on our lives. Some say it is negative, the others state it is positive. But it is not all black and white. In this article my aim is to discuss influence of the Internet on persons mind. Internet is distinguished by a high speed of information exchange. That is why we have a completely new level of relations between a person and a computer, between two people with computers help.
We tend to perceive greater amount of information more quickly and we discover new capabilities of our brains, a completely new perception of the old information. Computer specialists have more...