If you want to become a good student, its important to have confidence in yourself as a learner. Its important to believe that you actually like learning, and that you really enjoy the topic you are studying.
When you picture yourself learning poorly, you program your mind for more learning failures. This is what you expect, so it becomes more likely that you will achieve it.
What should you do if you dont actually have confidence in yourself as a learner, or if you are convinced that youll never understand the topic you are studying? Fortunately you can learn to change your opinion of yourself and what you are learning by a technique called visualization.
Successful visualization essentially means that you are able to pretend to yourself that you are already performing successfully the skill you want to learn.
To change your messages to yourself about what kind of student you are, you will have to change your inner movie of yourself as a learner, and substitute new messages for yourself saying that learning is easy and fun for you.
Your mind more easily absorbs positive messages when you are in a deeply relaxed state of body and mind. To...