The movie, The March of the Penguins, has raised a great amount of interest in penguins. One never imagined penguins to be so driven. Heres an overview of the amazing penguins.
Known as the little tuxedos, penguins have always seemed a bit odd as animals go. All of that changed, however, with The March of the Penguins, a movie about Emperor Penguins. The movie focuses on the incredible hardships these penguins undergo to be parents. If you havent seen the movie, rent it now. It will make you laugh, cry and develop a healthy respect for these majestic animals.
Penguins live in a fairly limited area. Theyre primary home is Antarctica. Penguins can also be found in the cold costal areas of New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. There are no penguins in the Arctic. This is the opposite of polar bears which are not found in Antarctica.
There are seventeen species of penguins. The smallest are Rockhoppers, which average roughly twelve inches in height. On the other end of the spectrum are the Emperor Penguins, which average nearly 48 inches in height.
Penguins feed in the water, not on the ice of Antarctica. A typical meal consists of fish, squid or...