There are three basic groups of Spanish verbs, in these articles we will look at the regular AR, ER and IR verbs.. In this part we will concentrate on regular ER and IR verbs in the present tense.
In Part 1,we learned that a verb is a doing word that covers everything from an action to an opinion, so sing, drink, eat,, like, dislike, love, kick, fall, smile, hear, write turn, are all examples of verbs. In the English language the verb is not changed by who is doing the action. An example would be;
I like cheese, we like cheese and you like cheese, the verb like stays the same. In Spanish the form of the verb is changed by who is doing the action.
In the first part we concentrated on regular verbs ending in the letters a and r. The other two groups of regular verbs are the verbs that end in er and ir.
Verbs Ending In ER
One of the words meaning to repair in Spanish is rehacer, if we want to say I repair cars in Spanish, we drop the e and r from the end of rehacer and add an o, to give rehaco los coches(los coches, is literally the cars). There is no need for the Spanish word for I (Yo) at the beginning of the sentence because by adding the...