How to fill an intake information form for a lemon car ?
This article describes the principal information needed to correctly fill an intake
information form concerning a lemon car.
Besides elementary information such as your name, address, phone, fax and or email,
mandatory information concerning your vehicle must be precised. More than 8 information concern your vehicle, and you have to be ready to provide the following :
* Year, make and model of your car.
* Date it was purchased.
* Was your car a leased or a purchased car ?
* Tthe approximate mileage of your car when you took possession.
* The current mileage.
* Where was this car bought ?
* While in your possession, has this vehicle been damaged or eventually wrecked ? You
will have to be as precise as possible when describing the damages.
* Is this car used for your personal use or for business ? If it is for business, you should be able to give a % of the total mileage.
After this, problems concerning your car will have to be detailed as precisely as possible.
Once more, you should be ready to answer the following 11 questions...