The word neti is and abbreviation of the sankskrit word Jala neti which means water cleansing. Though the technique has been unknown in the West until recently, Indian Yogis have been performing the procedure for thousands of years as a pert of their daily cleansing ritual.
The concept is really simple. You simply fill the neti Pot with warm salt water and poor it in one nostril until it comes out of the other one. This basically clears out all of that nasty stuff up there and prevents bacteria from having a pool party in your sinuses. Though the concept is simple, the actual technique and preparation does require a little practice. You should always use salt water for the best results. I personally opt to buy the refills, but you can make your own mixture if you run out of the refill packets. Non-iodized salt is best and the mixture should be at a ratio of approximately 1 1/2 teaspoons per liter of warm water. One advantage with the pre-mixed packets, is that they are able to have a higher saline content since special buffering agents prevent discomfort to the nasal cavity. The water should be as close to body temperature as you can get it without being too hot. If the...