What is the Leo German English Dictionary?
The Leo German-English Dictionary is an online German-English dictionary that runs on three Sun X4100 servers, and was started in 1995 by Achim Jung. Between 1995 and 1999, the principles of the layout, guestbook, forms for contributions, and other basic concepts of the service were developed by Jung and his team, and the vocabulary of the Leo German-English Dictionary grew from a very minuscule number of entries to 170,000 words within this period.
In 2004, the entries count more than 400,000 (symmetrical) entries, equivalent to more than 800,000 conventional dictionary entries. And by the year 2000, the dictionary broke a record of 5,000,000 online queries from users, growing to 5.6 million queries by 2005.
The Leo German English Dictionary and Mobiles:
Besides the online Leo German-English Dictionary, dictionary queries using Short Messaging Service (SMS) was also made available in 2003 in collaboration with burdawireless-GmbH. Not only that, it was also now possible to view the dictionary’s software dictQuery (the dictQuery server was installed in 2000) on mobile phones and similar display devices....