Everyday educators, whether they are teachers, administrators, or board members, are striving to improve the services they offer. Teachers attend in-service training; principals meet with other administrators in their district, state, or even the nation; and board members travel to see what other districts are doing right All with the intention of gleaning the best methods and practices for their own schools. Atlanta Schools are no exception. As of the 2006-07 school year, Atlanta Schools were made up of the following:
* Traditional schools (89)* Elementary schools (59)* Middle schools (16)
* High schools (14)* Nontraditional programs (2)* Charter schools (7)
* Adult learning centers (1)* APS Learning Institutes (99)*Title I Schools (89)
* Year-Round Schools (3)* Schools of Excellence (2) * Magnet Schools (7)
Atlanta Schools serve a large number of students. The enrollment for the past school year (2006-2007) was 49,392. The students of Atlanta Schools represent many diverse, ethnic groups:
* African-American 85.98%* American Indian/Alaskan .03%
* Asian .59%* Caucasian 8.37%
* Hispanic 4.10%* Multiracial .93%