Learning a new language is the trend nowadays. People who do it have a lot of reasons. And most of the time, their reason is to have that edge over competitors in the field of business. But even if you are not into business, it still gives you a lot of advantages. Think about it. When you are done convincing yourself, you can now start assessing on what kind of language suits you best. Here are the things that you might want to consider before choosing a certain language.
Some people study a certain language because to them, it would be useful in the long run. Others use it for business. What about you? What do you do that makes you need to learn a new language? What kind of people do you usually encounter in your line of business? Would it help improve or even make your life easier? Answering these questions would greatly help you come up with a fewer selection of languages that you could use. Don’t even think of studying two languages at the same time. To be able to fully understand and speak fluently a certain language, it would be better if you just focus on just one. Then you can proceed to another one later on. Of course, you can choose not to...