If you are considering getting an online MBA degree you ay wonder if they hold the same value as an MBA that is earned at a traditional university. Online MBA degrees do cost a lot of money, to the tune of thousands of dollars, and this is a large sum of money to pay. You want to be sure that you use this money wisely and that you find a program that is accredited and that will be widely accepted. It is important to find the right program that will offer all you need and also holds a good reputation.
Lately many people have decided to go back to school, and most of them are earning their degrees online. Since so many people are turning to online schools to earn their MBAs, an employer cannot just turn up his nose at a degree earned online any more. With so many people getting these degrees online people do have to admit that some of them are credible, but it is important to note that not every MBA degree program is credible and some are not near equal to a traditional education for MBA degrees.
You should be aware, as your employer is, that some online programs may offer MBA degrees that are entirely worthless. There are places that will hand out a degree to...