The Awesome Power Of Magnetism – Folklore Facts And Possibilities
Magnetic forces are among the most potent power sources in the known universe. And just like the force of (1)gravity, magnetic forces are ever-present, constantly at work, and they have a dramatic impact on our daily lives. In fact, were it not for magnetism and all of its inherent forces, our species would not (could not) exist on this planet.
We owe our existence to magnetism
At the center of our small solar system resides a massive nuclear power plant. We call it the Sun. It is a rather puny, mediocre star as stars go. Still, its constant, countless nuclear explosions create unimaginable forces, one of which is referred to as the ‘solar winds.’ By the time these radiation-laden solar winds reach Earth, they are still hundreds of thousands of degrees, and traveling at about 1,000,000 miles per hour. Yes that’s one MILLION miles per hour. That equates to about 16,666 miles per minute, or 278 miles per second. Were it not for the Earth’s natural magnetism, and massive magnetic field, the solar winds would course unimpeded over the planet’s surface. Remove...