Countries have an obligatory criterion in their respective local laws to offer free education, serve in their local public schools. Education set a high hierarchy in the rules of laws that each individual, or citizen should enroll in a public school if he reaches a certain school age.
This is a general policy to each citizens of any nation, except however, where one’s choice is to go elsewhere of his afford and desire, such as in private schools, foundations, and non-government organizations’ learning institutions.
The 21st century parents discover free home schooling, favorable, cheaper and convenient for so many reasons. It is becoming popular in the U. S. and some other richer industrial places around the globe.
Present-day school beginner is more exposed to so many complications about the environment, atmospheric conditions due to global warming that cause weather conditions unpredictable. Negligence to react in Reforestations that could prevent possible floods, landslides and all the inconveniences during rainy seasons, situation most difficult for school children or high graders on school sessions.
Roads or pathways became vicious...