There are many ways to try to improve your ability to memorize and process information. Unfortunately in our age many have only considered the physical factors affecting it (i.e lack of healthy food, vitamins etc) although the psychological factors are much greater. First of all, before you even try to memorize anything you should ask yourself why you want to memorize it?
Is it necessary or is it enough to just understand a principle without the need of memorizing it. Secondly, what are your motives behind wanting to memorize this information. You see, having a strong purpose will make your job a lot easier, even if you don’t really give it much thought. Having that said, I believe we’ve covered some of the basics and fundamentals of memorization so let’s move on to the actual techniques.
To memorize something, you need to learn the art of association, namely linking one piece of information (the thing you want to remember) with another more explicit piece of information (i.e something you already remember), this will enable you to recall the former without any real need of reflection.
It’s here that mnemonics come into the picture....