Given their noble role in most Hollywood movies, you might be surprised to find the discussion of the Samurai is a somewhat controversial area, particularly as to how the Samurai actually acted.
An Overview of the Samurai
One of the most interesting periods in the past of Japan has to be the feudal period. Out of this era came many different aspects of the Japanese culture that are still thought of today and one of those aspects are the Samurai. Discovering just what role the Samurai actually played is an interesting study into the minds and manners of ancient Japanese warriors.
The story of the Samurai begins with the early shogun warriors, who were trained fighters during the Heian period in Japan. These warriors, amassed by the emperor Kammu in the late eighth to early ninth centuries, were a group of men that were clan warriors from the powerful regional clans in Japan. They were skilled in combat while mounted and as archers. Ironically, the Imperial court did not regard them highly regardless of what you see in movies. In fact, they were seen more as barbarians than as the cultured Samurai now portrayed. As Emperor Kammu’s power declined, this...