The popularity of Online MBA is soaring but some are diploma mills, making recruiters wary of virtual degrees. This article will outlines some tips for picking up a good program. Many businessmen, entrepreneurs and those who work for international businesses today are on the frequent moves; they may attend a meeting in Tokyo, Japan yesterday, meet up their customer at Shanghai, China today and need to host an important conference tomorrow at Chicago, USA. While maintaining a hectic travel schedule but wishing to advance their career with an MBA, but they are tough to attend on-campus courses; hence, getting the degree online can be the only option.
“RIPE” for Fake Online Degree Courses Many online MBA programs are designed to suite for busy people to get the advanced education without the need to put aside their career for a year of two and attend the campus-based MBA. But, as in many growing fields, cautions abound. Concerns about fake Online MBA or “diploma mills” without proper accreditation are growing. With so many online MBA programs popping up, it is estimated that nearly a million people fall for fake programs every year. What...