If you’ve ever wanted to have an encyclopedia at your fingertips – or contribute to a public encyclopedia, – you’ll embrace a growing trend: online knowledge sharing. This type of collaborative, question-driven knowledge system gathers questions and answers on thousands – or hundreds of thousands – of topics, and then organizes the topics and provides easy access to the knowledge base for users. In practice, college students benefit because they can contribute what they know, as well as learn about a variety of topics. It also acts as a social network, in that they can also form communities with those who have similar interests and work together to create a reliable source of information on specific topics.
For writers, such an encyclopedia provides them with the opportunity to share their knowledge with others, as well as to use the knowledge base as a source of research for their work. Generally speaking, a question-driven knowledge system enables anyone to ask questions on topics that do not yet appear. Then, an expert in that particular field can provide a reliable, knowledgeable answer. It’s a quick, easy way to get the...