The recent discovery of soft tissue inside a fossilized T-rex femur has the young earth creationist world buzzing. They claim this startling evidence clearly supports a young earth. However, as usual, young earth creation science is grasping at straws while ignoring the whole haystack (for links to the Answers in Genesis article, see below). Even more interesting is what Answers in Genesis omits from the original article, as they “pick and choose,” as is their style, only those portions that supports their position.
The young earth author calls this a “stunning rebuttal of millions of years.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Instead of focusing only on the soft tissue alone (the “straw”), let’s examine the whole picture.
First, some expectations. If we were to find some soft tissue of dinosaurs, where is the most likely place to find it? The answer is obvious…in the most recent fossils. The T-rex was one of the last of the dinosaurs, living in the last five million years of dinosaur existence, from 70-65 million years ago.
Second expectation…what body part would we expect to...