Long time back, neck tie evolved as a direct result of war. In 1660, a regiment from Croatia visited Paris. The soldiers were presented to Louis XIV, a monarch. At that time, the officers of the regiment had worn bright colored fashion handkerchiefs around their neck. These neck cloths which descended from the Roman fascalia worn by orators to warm their vocal chords were soon made sign of royalty as the king made regiment of royal corvettes.
Later, this style crossed to the channel of England and no soon the gentleman found their dressing more decorative with some sort of cloth around their neck. These neck cloths or cravats were worn so that the man could not move his head without turning his whole body. Sometimes these were worn so tight that they stopped sword thrust. Again, neck tie styles knew no bound with scarfs, tuffs and bows.
Ties became an integral part of a mans wardrobe and till the time of civil war ties were imported from the continent. In the beginning of 20th century, American neckwear began to rival that of Europe. In 1960s, however, there was a declination of men wearing ties because of conflict in between tradition and formality of dress....