Here are some interesting tie jokes that shall make you laugh indefinitely.
1. A man gets a new neck tie for his birthday but within a few days he takes it back to the shop. The salesperson at the shop asked him what was wrong with it he replied One end is longer than the other end.
2. A guy went into a restaurant lounge with his shirt open up at the collar and he was stopped by a bouncer who asked him to wear a neck tie in order to get into the restaurant.
The guy went to his car and looked around for a neck tie but then he found that he was not having one at that moment. He saw a set of jumper cables in the trunk so desperately he tied them around his neck and managed to tie a fair looking knot and let the ends dangle free.
He then returned back to the restaurant and again the bouncer looked at him carefully for a few minutes and said Okay you can come in just dont start anything.
3. A neck tie said to the hat You just go on a head and I will hang around.
4. A man was crawling through a desert and soon he was approached by another man who was riding on a camel so when that rider came near to...