Diamonds have been the focus of attention for artists, writers, religions, and people in general for almost all cultures for years because they represent status, beauty, perfection and wealth. There have been people who commited murder or will endure a great deal of trouble to steal diamonds. And there are people who will spend a great deal of money to get that perfect piece of diamond jewelry.
Diamonds are especially significant for many women especially as they represent status, beauty, and class for the wearer. Owners of the larger diamonds are held in high regard by admirers, as these people are perceived as special and high status. In addition, various religions have recognized the symbolic beauty of the diamond and its extraordinary physical properties. But diamonds have a religious-mystical quality in various religions, such as the Diamond Sutra in Tibetan Buddhism is one of the most beloved texts. The devotional statues of Hindu gods had diamond eyes, as diamonds were thought to be treasured gifts from the gods. The ancient Greeks also associated diamonds with the tears of their gods. In fact, the name “diamond” comes from the ancient Greek word,...