Ever since J.K. Rowling created the character known as Harry Potter, who at the age of 11 finds out that he is in fact a powerful wizard, the world was taken by storm and the Harry Potter mania hit every book stores, movie theaters and video games. Not only that, with the boom in internet shopping and the recent introduction of Harry Potter audio books, the phenomenon continues to spread and now, downloadable Harry Potter audio books in different audio formats such as MP3, OGG, etc, Harry Potter audio books on CD/DVD, and Harry Potter books on tape are available for purchase.
Harry Potter Audio Books are available in the United States for $25 to $60 dollars. To give you a better idea of the pricing structure, here is an example Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone is available on 7 CDs lasting in total 8 hours 25 minutes:
CD 1: 73’59 minutes
CD 2: 73’57 minutes
CD 3: 72’48 minutes
CD 4: 69’27 minutes
CD 5: 71’30 minutes
CD 6: 74’00 minutes
CD 7: 66’16 minutes
This can be purchased for a total cost of about $50.
Harry Potter audio books that have been released and...