The popularity of designer handbags is at an all-time high. Everywhere we look, from the high street to the nightclub, everyone is carrying a trendy new purse. It seems that we are often so preoccupied with our new handbags that we tend to forget about the people behind the designs. I started trying to develop a shortlist of my favorite designers, but I realized that I am in love with the work of far too many to list. The following are just a few of my favorites.
Chloe is, by far, one the greatest design houses in the world. I absolutely love their work! At times, I feel that some of the French designers are a little over the topbut where would true fashion be without their sense of creativity and innovation. Chloe has been a leader in the world of fashion, especially since the Stella McCartney assumed the helm. Her star power and understanding of classic design reinvigorated a company that was often lacking the cohesive aesthetic that truly binds a collection together. Make no mistake about itChloe is the new Gucci!
Vivienne Westwood has done more for British design that any other designer in modern times. In many ways, the entire punk genre owes her a...