Credit card identity theft can be a very costly problem. In todays world of increasing credit card usage, it is no longer a rare instance where a criminal may be able to make use of your credit card for his own gain. He does not need to have your plastic in order to commit such a crime. All he needs will be your number and your personal information. Such a crime has been known as identity theft.
Credit card identity theft can happen in a variety of ways. Almost everyone using a credit card can be an unwilling victim. With all business and financial transactions done through computers and online means, it has made information very valuable as well as very vulnerable to theft. Your personal information has become a very valuable asset.
Anyone who can get hold of it can use it to their advantage at your very expense. Identity theft is basically the act of using your personal information without your knowledge to commit fraud or other crimes. On credit card identity theft, it could mean that such criminals can use your account for their own purchases.
How can such crime happen to someone like you? If you use your credit card on your regular purchases, there...