It is so easy now with the use of the internet to apply for an instant credit card approval. Just about anyone that has good credit can get instant credit approval in just a matter of a few seconds. However, if you do not read the fine print from these credit card companies offering instant credit cards you may find that you are paying high annual fees, interest rates, balance transfers and many more fees according to which type of instant credit approval you receive.
The very first thing you should do before applying for instant credit approval is to learn and understand all the different fees that can be tacked on to your credit card.
Many credit card companies have annual fees that are applied after you apply for instant credit approval, sometimes they will waive the annual fee, however if you do not read the terms and conditions and all other information before you apply you may be stuck paying rather high annual fees.
Most credit card companies that offer instant credit approval have their interest rates posted on their website. However, these interest rates can change once the introductory special is over. Some of the companies offer what is called...