Getting your own credit card is not as easy as you may think. Applying for a credit card account needs a lot of thinking.
Before marching down to your credit card agent, ask yourself some questions like do you want to pay for the credit every month or carry a balance instead? The type of credit line limit is also to be taken into consideration. Credit cards offer a lot of benefit packages, think of the package that would suit your needs.
If you want to carry on a balance, look for the credit card that offers the best interest rate or the annual fee offer. However, if you intend to pay for the credit every month, then look on the one that offers the lowest interest rate.
Credit limit determines how far you can go with your card. Think of the lowest limit that would fit your needs, not your lifestyle. Remember its supposed to be for necessity and not for luxury. Adding 30% to the limit you agreed on. This will maximize the value of the card. Meaning, you can use the card on a normal basis and still have enough value if an emergency arises.
Credit card companies offer tremendous bonuses on their cards. If you wanted to sign up for these packages,...