A low APR credit card is the best option for securing credit by far. The lower your interest rate is, the less you have to pay for borrowing money and using your card. Yet, it is very clear to most of us that our credit score is the main factor in what makes this number high or low. The better your credit has been, the better your ability to secure a low APR credit card. Is there anything you can do to better your opportunities? Of course there is.
Why Low APR Is Important
If you are looking at two credit card offers that have come your way, you want to determine which one offers you the lowest APR, or annual percentage rate. This number will define how much the credit lender will charge you to use their service. Even a few fractions of a rate will matter greatly. If you carry a balance on your credit card, as most people do, you will be charged interest on that amount. The lower the interest rate is, the less you have to pay.
What Determines It?
What is it that determine is if you get low interest credit cards? There are many things that play a role in what you are offered, how much you are offered, as well as in the interest you will be...