Maxed Out Your Credit Cards Over the Holidays? Learn How to Get the Balance Back Down
The holidays can be a very financially stressful time. We all know Christmas is not about the gifts or how much money we spend, but its hard not to buy those perfect gifts for our loved ones even if we really cant afford it. In some cases, credit cards can be great especially around the holidays; it means even though we currently dont have the money, it wont stop us from being able to get those gifts. But now the holidays are over and youre looking at your credit card statements saying, did I really spend that much?
Instead of putting your head under a pillow and avoiding the whole subject, why not take this time to start learning about your finances, your financial situation and your credit cards. Lets make it a News Years resolution to get your finances under control. Repeat after me, This year I will take control of my finances; I will no longer allow my credit cards to control me.
Start by making a list of all your credit cards, if you have more then one. Get out your credit card statements, and write down the balances and the percentage of interest that is...