Miles credit cards also known as airline credit cards and frequent flyer credit cards are becoming more and more popular all the time. The reason is that the cardholder of a miles credit card is given reward points when they use their miles credit cards. These accumulated points can be transferred into airline tickets, hotel stays, and car rentals.
Today you can find a variety of miles credit card offers by several different companies and all of them will offer wonderful incentives to get your business. Not only are the rewards different for each miles credit card but so are the terms and conditions and the miles per dollar spent. Be sure to investigate every miles credit card before you apply to ensure that you understand the minimum number of air miles you must accumulate before you can redeem them for any rewards that are offered.
A miles credit card is really great for people that travel all the time for either business or pleasure. If you only fly once or twice a year for a get-a-way, you may discover they are not a big benefit. Every miles credit card has higher interest rates, annual fees and finance charges after the introductory period, than a regular...