Are you quite happy paying off the minimum amount every month on your credit card bill? You may be unaware of the actual amount you are paying off towards your debt. Most off your payment will go towards the interest owed leaving your debt and further interest charges to accumulate further.
1 in 8 people in the UK pay only the minimum payment required on their credit cards. You may think that you are keeping on top of your finances but the truth is you will be losing a lot of money by paying in this way.
It has even been suggested that paying only the minimum amount on your credit card can indeed worsen your debt rather than improve it.
The Minimum Payment Black Hole
Credit card companies have been lowering the percentage for the minimum payment in recent years. By paying a lower minimum amount on your credit card it will mean you paying off your debt in a longer time period hence the credit card company earning more interest from your debts. By taking longer to pay off your debt the more the interest will accumulate on your balance.
The government has pushed through to try and get credit card companies to clearly explain the minimum amount...